I had started an online course with Harriet Goodall which I began exploring the different materials you could use to weave from nature and also mindful collecting. Walking on a beach at Minjeeribah, North Stradbroke Island I came across a huge washed out area of tea trees all lying sun bleached into the sea. This is where my erosion series work began...I made metres and metres of cordage to bind the roots together to form my take of the eddying of the sea eroding the tea tree swamp. The main beach at Brooms Head has a huge erosion issue caused by rocks being removed from a natural lagoon decades ago. Pandanus trees planted 50 years ago are about to be lost to the sea..I have combined copper wire with vines found near this area. Weaving these materials together to provide strength and a hold on the vines.
Jan Brown
Erosion Series
Updated: Mar 7